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Source Based Essay Reflection

This is just the beginning of my first semester in college.I am taking English Composition 11000 with professor Jack Wernick. In the few weeks of me just beginning this class my professor has taught me about rhetorical situations. Truthfully I had no idea what that was or what it meant. Writing this essay has given me a better understanding on how rhetorical situations are used in writing and how authors use it all the time. What is a rhetorical situation you may ask ? A rhetorical situation is when you bring text into existence. For example when writing you want to use purpose. With purpose you are trying to tell your readers why you are talking about what you are writing, what made you passionate about it and why that topic is the past behind?

You must also use the audience. Who is your paper directed to, why did you direct it to them. When talking to a specific audience you must know how to engage them in what you are writing and what they are reading. When using a rhetorical situation you must allow the reader to feel what you are saying. For example if you are writing a love letter or you are a lawyer you want people or that one person to side with you to see where you are coming from, you are being persuasive but you are also being entertaining. You are expressing your feelings to those people or that one person so they can understand you. Rhetorical writing has shown me that you want the reader to connect with or to see your point of view. They don’t have to agree but as long as you bring your text into existence that is all that matters.