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More about me

My name is Tabytha Nunez. I was born and raised in harlem.I am Dominican but speak no type of spanish. I can understand it better than anything though. My recent English teacher Ms.D’Amato is the reason for me believing English is not all bad. She is the reason I am a better writer, she is the reason why I can comprehend readings a little better and she is the reason I am a great test taker in the form of english. I may have forgotten some of it too but it’s still in my head somewhere. But english is just not my strength. I may have become better at some things but that doesn’t mean I’m the best. I don’t like to read. My brain doesn’t seem to focus on the readings but I still work on it as much as I can. But it does so well with writing. I love to write, writing is like my getaway. It’s a way to express my feelings when I can’t talk to them when I can’t see the function without them letting them eat me alive. I love to write. But writing to a prompt is a whole different story. I never know how to start my introduction. That is the hardest part for me. I also struggle with explaining the meaning of the quote or connecting it to real life situations. I also suck at spelling and using the proper things in my writing like a comma or a semicolon. As for strengths I don’t really know that my strengths are. All I know is that when I am in the writing mood I can write. When I can fully comprehend what I read and the prompt I am writing to I can write. When I do not overthink or over stress that is when my essays and paper come out best. I can not get in my own head during writing because then it will not be what it is supposed to be.